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Schedule a camp or after school program at your school today!


Learn the science behind your favorite Superheroes. Learn how to defend the bad guys with elasticity, strength, ice, an invisible shield, step through small objects and use magic tricks by performing many experiments. Finally, students will create a superhero trading card based on one of the experiments we explored that day.  

After School Program or Day Camp
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8
Cost: Half Day $40 / Full Day 9am-4pm $80


Students will either work with a partner or alone to study a zoo animal of their choice by researching their behavior, adaptations, and facts. With this knowledge, they will develop signs and posters about their animal. After researching the animal’s habitat, they will design and create a terrarium for their animal to display at our classroom zoo. Students will be able to take home their terrarium home. 

After School Program or Day Camp
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8
Cost: Half Day $40 or Full Day $80


Students will either work with a partner or alone to study a zoo animal of their choice by researching their behavior, adaptations, and facts. With this knowledge, they will develop signs and posters about their animal. After researching the animal’s habitat, they will design and create a terrarium for their animal to display at our classroom zoo. Students will be able to take home their terrarium home. 

Half or Full Day Camp

Time: 9 am - 12 pm or 1 -4 pm  or 9 am -4 pm
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8
Cost: Half Day $40 or Full Day $80


Engaging students through hands-on experiments, students will understand the process of the scientific method as well as develop science skills such as observing, analysis, inferring, measuring, communicating, and problem solving. Students will observe and discover a particular scientific phenomenon such as mass, matter, properties of matter, atoms, conservation of mass, physical and chemical changes through fun, hands-on investigations. 

After School Program & Day Camp
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8


Working with an experienced science educator, students will experiment and create a crystal snowflake that they can take home and see grow overnight. Then they will then create a model of a snowflake to explore the molecular structure of snowflakes. They will also have an opportunity to create experiments with rainbow snow in the first part of the day. In the second part of the day, they will experiment by making an instant snowman. Then they will work with partners to design and create an “ice” castle out of recycled materials that they can take home at the end of the day. 

After School Program or Day Camp 
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8
Cost: Half Day $40 / Full Day 9am-4pm $80


Using Stanford University’s Design Thinking Process, students will use their creativity to develop a new kitchen utensil. Students will work with a group to create a modified or new kitchen utensil that they will advertise by creating an infomercial. 

After School Program or Day Camp
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8
Cost: $40 Half Day or $80 Full Day 


How can you power a car with just air? Learn how to create a balloon-powered car by competing with your buddies to design and build the fastest car and the car that will go the furthest as well. 

Learn about chemical engineering by creating your own designer slime. Learn what Chemical Engineers do and what this profession is like. 

Build a battery made out of different types of coins and an electrolyte solution. Learn how this produces electricity. 

After School Program and Day Camp
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8
Cost: Half Day $40 and Full Day $80


How do boats work and how can they carry so much weight and stay afloat? We will go through a series of experiments testing different materials and designs to create the ultimate barge that can hold the most weight. 
In the second half of the class, we will create mini robots that you can take home. We will run it through a series of tests to perform a task of your choice. 

After School Program or Day Camp 
Grades: K-6
Min. Students: 8
Cost: Half Day $40 / Full Day 9am-4pm $80

Course Offerings: Schedule
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